Lots of recording going on at my house this holidays. Tonight I completed a set of recordings detailing my process using Socrative to give lots of opportunities to respond in order to accelerate reading progress. I've made recordings to support student learning before, but never a series with as many aspects as this one.
I've created three different types of resource:
1. A slide show with no sound. Text heavy, with links to supporting resources. This was my first step after my notes pulling together the process that I've developed, trialled and refined this year. For me, a fast skimmer/scanner of written text who is impatient with sound recordings, it would have been easy to stop at this point.
2. A slide show which I used as the basis for my videos. This is much more visually oriented, but with links in it that I think the video watchers will want to access.
3. A set of eight recordings of my 12 step programme for accelerating reading through opportunities to respond & Socrative. There was a great deal of learning along the way.
The eight recordings are on my site - first time I've pressed publish on it. There is more to add to the site in terms of exemplars and resources, but the opportunities to respond process is the most important element.
I haven't yet worked out how I will set it up so that the three resources are available on my site and it is clear how they work together. If anyone reading has a chance to read and watch the resources I have made, I'd love some feedback. I need to identify where I've made assumptions rather than explained with useful detail.
Phew Sandra there is some turbo charged material here, which I can see will have great traction with what you are planning for your students. I like the variety and tapping into known and unknown methods, but changing them up with another spin. Looking forward to seeing how you get all of this on your pecha kuchq. Good stuff!